Thought Trough

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thoughts While Driving

Firstly, my morning drive into work is 23 miles. It can take anywhere from 35 to 90+ minutes to cover that distance. Here are a couple of thoughts about those Dallas drivers on 635 between 6:45 am & 8:00 am. Stop acting like so many piglets trying to get to a limited number of teats. Some of you my be changing lanes because the voices in your head that tell you to check the front door knob 15 time before you leave the house in the morning are also telling you to obsessively swerve in and out of lanes. It must be something about germs. But the rest of you have no excuse. There is no magical lane that no one else knows about. Frantically searching is just an exercise in futility. STOP IT! Every morning I see countless cars cross over the right side solid white line thinking they have found a lane that only they know of, only to suffer the disappointment of landing themselves in the queue for the on ramp. Thus getting only further behind, stuck in line to get into the lane they just left. Ha-ha-ha..... jerks. Next, I wish I had a bull horn. I'd spend all morning yelling out of my window "Try using your turn sign, idiot". And my final observation today, just to play up stereotypes, I've noticed that while in a traffic jam the person tailgating you may be from any demographic but the most likely person to still be on your tail while all the other lanes are wide open (and they can easily just go around you) .... a woman. Why? Because they think they can change you. If you'd just notice that they want you to go faster, then you will change in order to please them. Me, I slow down. I guess their method works. I do change, just not in the way they want. By the way, I can't figure out why I don't have a girlfriend.


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